Saturday, July 24, 2010

another hot day in North Carolina

I hate North Carolina summers.  I miss Minnesota.  I like that the sun stays up until 8pm, but I despise how hot it is.  It's relentless.  And just when you think you can't take it anymore, you get a 102 degree like today when I had to play a 2 hour game of Ultimate after having just donated blood on Thursday.  I know, I'm real smart about my timing.  But when you have O- blood you have to donate, it's part of having blood arrogance.  Yeah, that's right.  I said it.  I'm proud of my blood type, and you should all be jealous.  Does everyone know their blood type?  Do you know how blood typing works?  It's super cool.  Good 'ole genetics at work.  You can have one of three letters: A, B, and O and either be + or -.  O people can give to A or B, but not the other way around.  - people can give to + people, but not the other way around.  Basically I can give to anyone, but can only get from another O-.  Good thing my mom is O- :).  I won't bore you with the nitty gritty biology behind blood typing, but just know that it's cool.  I know, I'm a nerd.

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