Also, here are some delayed pictures from a few weeks ago. We took a trip to Raleigh and visited the history museum and the natural science museum.
There was a cool war exhibit at the history museum that had some artifacts from every war the US has been in (even up to the war in Iraq). Here is a poster from WWII that I really wanted my picture next to. I was going to strike a fun pose...but nothing came to mind. 
Just outside the museum I accepted the key to the city, in the balmy 30 degree weather.
Just outside the museum I accepted the key to the city, in the balmy 30 degree weather.
This is the skeleton of a blue whale from the natural science museum. It's quite rediculous how large they are. The people at the bottom of the picture are probably 30 feet below.

Here's me next to a T-rex head fossil. They had a pretty impressive fossil and dinosaur exhibit.
We went into a "live exhibit" where there were a lot of sweet animals, although the butterflies seemed to think that David was more sweet :) (I know...really cheesy joke)
We saw a lot more cool things including a vietnam photograph exhibit, a Raleigh civil rights movement exhibit and a creepy insect exhibit (I still squirm when I think about it). I should have taken pictures of those too, but I'm not the best photographer (I'm trying Papa!). It just means that you have to come visit yourself - we have a futon for you!
We went into a "live exhibit" where there were a lot of sweet animals, although the butterflies seemed to think that David was more sweet :) (I know...really cheesy joke)
very cute pics! and Kitty!
David made a friend in NC after all!
I kid because I love.
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